Chappybikepath.com is an open, transparent discussion board available to the Chappaquiddick Community. It will enable Chappy people , for the first time, to cast their "votes" on the issue of a bike path on Chappaquiddick. It will also post any and all relevant material, supplied by any interested party, on a weekly basis to keep this discussion up to date. Whatever your view, you can depend on Chappybikepath.com to get your message out, reflect the sentiments of all discussion participants, and keep you informed about the latest developments concerning this important issue.
Though Chappybikepath.com is not affiliated with the Chappaquiddick Path Committee or the CIA (Chappaquiddick Island Association), it will post whatever may be submitted by both those groups, as well as providing links to other sites offering information which could help you decide how to "vote" about a bike path on Chappy.
!. All submissions to this web site are to be addressed to RGBecker@Yahoo.com.
2. Editing will be limited to redactions of personal attacks (if I can catch them).
3. All submissions will be posted by date, regardless of content.
4. The lists: Three Lists will be maintained by Chappybikepath.com.
A. List #1 will include everyone expressing a "Vote" on the issue. These positions will be determined by the following methods:
1. A communication with Chappybikepath.com indicating a position the "Voter" wants to post. These positions are: "Against the Bike Path" "In Favor of the Bike Path" and "Undecided." .
Anyone can communicate with Chappybikepath.com by emailing RGBecker@Yahoo.com, Telephoning Roger Becker at 508 627 8720, speaking to Roger Becker directly, or by writing Roger Becker, 296 Chappaquiddick Rd. Edgartown, MA 02539. Requests for a posting, removal, or shifting of position can be made, but once anyone has been placed on the list, that person will remain under one of the three headings.
2. When a person publicly expresses an opinion clearly indicating a position.
3. When a person can be identified as a respondent to another poll or survey as clearly indicating a position.
B. List #2 will be culled from list #1 but will include only those who are registered voters in Edgartown listing their address on Chappaquiddick, those who are listed as owners of property on Chappaquiddick per town records and the co-owners, spouses, or partners of property owners who meet these criteria
C. List #3 will be culled from list #1 and will be sorted according to address (Map and lot #) and will thus show only one "Vote" per taxable parcel. No more than One "Vote" per person. In the event there is disagreement between spouses, co-owners, or partners, the positions will be marked 1/2. 1/3 etc.
5. All other lists, surveys etc. will be included in the dated debate pages and, along with all other submissions, must include the name of submitter.
6. Duplicate postings: Because of limited web space, repetitions and duplications will not be posted. If a previous submission has been amended and needs to be posted again, amendments must be highlighted or clearly indicated in some other fashion.
7. Along with dated debate pages, special features and articles may be posted at the siteboss's discretion to present facts, schedules of public meetings and other announcements helpful to the "voting" population.
8. Persons found to have no connection to Chappaquiddick will be removed from the lists.